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Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:05 pm

What I do not understand is the 3d thing.
If it aims at attracting a new public it will fail cause the 3d loving public already has Napoleon total War and EU III, Vicky II and such.

As for all the depressing talk why are you guys crying they already said another game based purely on the AGe engine will come out so we'll all be happy.

I am actually surprised at how few modding projects have come out of here. I mean all the database is available all the tools are there but there have been no overhaul playable mods made since 2007 (I mean released and easy to download) On the other hand the TWcenter is packed with mods for every Tw series game out there even the less moddable ones like ETW or NTW.
If the Age based games die out isn't it because of the community who didn't create enough content?

Just thoughts out there....
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Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:13 pm

Sorry gents. I am just not interested in real time.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:26 pm

vonRocko wrote:Real time? Good God. The paradox assimilation is complete! ageod has been absorbed. Well all good things come to an end. :(
RIP Ageod

What part of "There will be an AGE/Athena game engine game released in 2012 too, more later be assured" did you not understand?

Good grief, people. Get a grip. As long as they keep making games using the excellent AGE/Athena engine, then they are still AGEOD and I'm still happy. Whatever they do in addition to this is their business. :thumbsup:

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:56 pm

Yes, but we want a Napoleonic game with ageod engine, an AACW in napo wars!! :(
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Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:15 pm

Beren wrote:Yes, but we want a Napoleonic game with ageod engine, an AACW in napo wars!! :(

I understand that, but maybe they will be able to fix NC1 enough to make those people happy with NC1.

Also, maybe the new, as yet announced AGE engined game, will be something that will make us all VERY happy.

I don't think this announcement is a tragedy, all it's demonstrating is that they have enough developers to work on two games at the same time.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:25 pm

Looks fantastic. I gotta say from looking at the screenshots that have been released so far it looks great. I don't think real time is such a bad thing. This will be a great game :thumbsup:
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Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:33 pm

Comtedemeighan wrote:Looks fantastic. I gotta say from looking at the screenshots that have been released so far it looks great. I don't think real time is such a bad thing. This will be a great game :thumbsup:

I think you will be right...


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Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:38 pm

Pocus wrote:The map is by far not final, in fact the artist was really despaired to have this early graphic stage of a map shown.

Who is the artist? What other games did he create?

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:50 pm

gotrek wrote:I am actually surprised at how few modding projects have come out of here.

If the Age based games die out isn't it because of the community who didn't create enough content?


Good point ;)

It worked both ways indeed...the game were not distributed widely enough to attract a larger audience, and a smaller audience means less opportunities of finding modding projects...

And one recent modding game (RUS) was attacked by grumpy souls which led to disouragement in the community rather than the contrary (and this despite the fact the game was good)...

I try to still see this in a positive way ;) : one of our game on Clausewitz engine will attract a larger audience, why the other game will please our more traditional crowd, so we strive to please both and increase awareness at the same time...

More news is coming later, stay tune :cool:

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:55 pm

I wish I had the time and know how to mod. Perhaps it will be my midlife crisis. Some guys buy a sports car, but I'll learn how to mod games designed on the AGE engine.

Best of luck with the EU: Napoleon Campaigns. I honestly wish you success with the game.

I'll be standing by for the next announcement.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:01 pm

Though I felt a bit disappointed initially, there are good news (a new AGE game on production) and after all, Clausewitz is flexible enough to give us a good surprise with the Phillipes plenty involved in the project (huge differences regarding all aspects between Europa Universalis, Victoria, Hearts of Iron and Crusader Kings series).

I came to AGEOD from Paradox, and I love both. I give my vote of confidence ;)

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:29 pm

Wait and See. I can't say I am thrilled, and I liked the turn based system as it gives you a more relaxed playing experience. But I am still open, I will follow the development of the game, hope for the best graphic wise and if this game does give a historical feeling than super ! If it ends up as some form of EUIII meet EiA, I wish it all the best and may still buy it, but it will hurt a bit.

I still have massive regrets that the post AACW turn wasn't better managed by AGEOD. They were a little garage studio, who released a little gem in BOA, than a triumph in AACW and unfortunately between the "mistakes" made in NCP and the overly complex and demanding to developp PON, the future didn't turn out as hoped...

Anyway keep up the work on the project and as I am dying for a napoleonic game, if it is any good I'll buy it !

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:34 pm

Luckily AGEOD that was not bought by Electronics Arts :confused:

Napoleon's Campaigns II - THE SHOOTER... :dada:

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:36 pm

gotrek wrote:I am actually surprised at how few modding projects have come out of here. I mean all the database is available all the tools are there but there have been no overhaul playable mods made since 2007 (I mean released and easy to download) On the other hand the TWcenter is packed with mods for every Tw series game out there even the less moddable ones like ETW or NTW.

Mod a game requires a lot of time, knowledge, willing and even passion. Few people embark in that kind of project. So it´s not fair compare a "little" community like this with one of the largest of the whole internet.
It´s just about the number of players, not about the percentage of them that mod the game.

I see this project like a good business idea, but for the first time in maybe five years I´m not excited about the next game of ageod. But I ´m still confident about the skills of PhilThib as a game designer (far better that the ones of the paradox project leaders IMO). So I´ll wait to see if I buy the game, but my first reaction is that I´ll pass on this.

And about the graphics, well, I give up on that subject. I don´t know if it´s about some limitation of the engine or simply mediocre artists on Paradox, but all their maps look awful since EUIII. Even the map of the Rome TW (a game of 2004) looks sharp and better that the more recent paradox games.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:00 pm

Désolé mais je suis drôlement déçu :( ...le moteur de Paradox (Sengoku/CK2 etc) n'est pas mauvais mais est largement inférieur à celui d' AGEOD. Et franchement, avec Napoleon total war, EU III et Imperial Glory, je ne vois pas ce que cette version sur Napoleon va apporter de plus? Je vais rester attentif mais demeure sur la réserve. Je comprends que l'artiste ne voulait pas encore publier ces images parce que franchement, c'est assez moche. :blink:

Et celui qui pense que passer au 3d c'est une évolution positive, je lui mettrai volontier une schtroumpf au visage moi, nom d'un Schtroumpf.

Vous ne pouvez pas mettre des symboles AGEOD en option à la place de ces géants de Paradox?

Bref...j'espère que l'autre jeu mentionné par Pocus (monde antique peut-être) sauvera mon année.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:12 pm

Robert E. Lee wrote:Désolé mais je suis drôlement déçu :( ...le moteur de Paradox (Sengoku/CK2 etc) n'est pas mauvais mais est largement inférieur à celui d' AGEOD. Et franchement, avec Napoleon total war, EU III et Imperial Glory, je ne vois pas ce que cette version sur Napoleon va apporter de plus? Je vais rester attentif mais demeure sur la réserve. Je comprends que l'artiste ne voulait pas encore publier ces images parce que franchement, c'est assez moche. :blink:

Et celui qui pense que passer au 3d c'est une évolution positive, je lui mettrai volontier une schtroumpf au visage moi, nom d'un Stroumpf.

Vous ne pouvez pas mettre des symboles AGEOD en option à la place de ces géants de Paradox?

Bref...j'espère que l'autre jeu mentionné par Pocus (monde antique peut-être) sauvera mon année.


WOOT! Gogo Bing French to English Translator!

"Sorry but I am getting disappointed.. .the engine of Paradox (Sengoku/CK2 etc) is not bad but is well below that of AGEOD. And frankly, with total Napoleon war, EU III and Imperial Glory, I do not see that this version on Napoleon will make more? I'll remain attentive but remains on the reserve. I understand that the artist did not yet publish these images because frankly, it's fairly ugly.

And one who thinks that taking 3D it is a positive development, I will put him happy a Smurf to face me, a Stroumpf name.

You cannot put AGEOD symbols option instead of these giants of Paradox?

Short... I hope that the other games mentioned by Pocus (ancient world perhaps) will save my year."

I also want the happy smurf to face me. But yes I think I agree with you, if Bing didn't lie to me.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:22 pm

Well, We AGEOD grognards do what grognards do, we grunt, but let's not be to negative. The game can be good if AGEOD manages to bring its attention to content and historical feel to bear.

My biggest fear is for the operational richness of the game. Granted we will have diplomatic, maritime, reinforcement management and so on. But I just hope I can fell like I am playing a napoleonic game and not a big stack against big stack EiA or EUIII game.

Without delving into details, have the Phils thought about how to make the corps structure type of campaigning relevent to this game ? will the fan out manoeuver, concentrate for battle feel of a napoleonic campaign be there ? I have a hard time believing it, since with real time in tends to always end up as a stack against stack battle.

But I have hope and I am likely to buy.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:23 pm

Let us keep something in mind. Phil Thib and Pocus will be designing this, Clausewitz or not. They will do a great job, much better than anyone else has ever done on that engine.

I will admit the news initially broke my heart, but it is infinitely preferable to having no Ageod.

And please do not forget what Ageod has told us- there will be another game, using the engine we know and love, on a subject we have not seen.

Ageod needs our support, now more than ever. I am one hundred percent behind them, and I will buy both games, and every dlc that comes up. And if you want Paradox to keep Ageod operating, I suggest you do the same.

One Athena game is much more preferable than nothing. Again, I think our Ageod is going to design the best Clausewitz game ever, and this could get a number of new people to get interested in other Ageod projects.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:33 pm

Buddy3101 wrote:Hi everybody :)

I noticed the announcement of NCII and new to this forum.

At I read that there will be a multiplayer restriction: Play-by-Email only... Is this correct?
No Lan sessions?
....and what is with Country Sharing i multiplayer will it be supported?

Welcome to the forums. :wavey:
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Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:39 pm

I think everybody has some misunderstanding about what is "engine".

Graphical engine deals with, err, graphics. AGEOD can copy paste code from any of their games in there and change everything. On screens you see they've captured some of P-x ideas, everything in realtime now etc. But that doesn't mean that you get empire building game with weak battles.

That game will be totally diferent than previous but don't mindlessly assume it will be bad.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:00 pm

Ilitarist wrote:I think everybody has some misunderstanding about what is "engine".

Graphical engine deals with, err, graphics. AGEOD can copy paste code from any of their games in there and change everything. On screens you see they've captured some of P-x ideas, everything in realtime now etc. But that doesn't mean that you get empire building game with weak battles.

That game will be totally diferent than previous but don't mindlessly assume it will be bad.

The clausewitz engine is not AGE. And yes there is a dramatic difference between the two and how the games built on them play. Real time versus WEGO being the most notiable change.

You are correct that doesn't mean a bad game, but they will inherently play differently.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:10 pm

PhilThib wrote:... and it will be on a theme not yet treated that you shall like :D

I'll keep you posted

I so do hope you'll be doing the Thirty Years War. If somebody would finally make a great game about that war I'd be delighted.

Slightly disappointed about NPC 2 though, but I hope that you'll prove me wrong.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:20 pm

Mod a game requires a lot of time, knowledge, willing and even passion. Few people embark in that kind of project. So it´s not fair compare a "little" community like this with one of the largest of the whole internet.
It´s just about the number of players, not about the percentage of them that mod the game.

From what I've read so far making scenarios mainly requires editing Excel files (to make it short,I know it's more than that...) and then the graphic part is the hardest part specially making the map , for that part you could ask the help of a bigger community. I know for example Mount & blade mods use graphics from Tw games. And I'm sure you'd find someone out there willing to help .

I've never modded anything more complicated than Wesnoth so I'm no big help here, but just pointing out in today's market games survive partially by their modding community.

(sorry for naming so many non AGEOD games but it's for the sake of example...)

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:23 pm

Slick Wilhelm wrote:What part of "There will be an AGE/Athena game engine game released in 2012 too, more later be assured" did you not understand?

Good grief, people. Get a grip. As long as they keep making games using the excellent AGE/Athena engine, then they are still AGEOD and I'm still happy. Whatever they do in addition to this is their business. :thumbsup:
Indeed, just calm down people. :neener:
I say this is good for everyone, AGEOD needs a game that makes a lot of money. That way they can afford to improve games like PoN.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:57 pm

gotrek wrote:I am actually surprised at how few modding projects have come out of here. I mean all the database is available all the tools are there but there have been no overhaul playable mods made since 2007 (I mean released and easy to download)

That is not entirely true! Clovis designed a huge overhaul mod for RUS called Fatal Years. Other mod projects are developped as part of patches Florent is working on new scenarios for RoP, Bohémund still seems to be busy patching and modding NCP. There are plenty of smaller mods.
This is a small community, not the millions of players playing Total War games or the HoI series.

gotrek wrote:From what I've read so far making scenarios mainly requires editing Excel files (to make it short,I know it's more than that...) and then the graphic part is the hardest part specially making the map,

I would beg to disagree, AGEOD uses 2D graphics, with a bit of artistic talent and a basic graphics program anybody can make graphics for AGE games.
Scripting events properly or tinkering with the AI takes a lot more knowledge. Personnally, I have done plenty of graphics for RoP and RUS, yet modding the more complex events/options is still beyond my skill level.

PhilThib wrote:And one recent modding game (RUS) was attacked by grumpy souls which led to disouragement in the community rather than the contrary (and this despite the fact the game was good)...

I try to still see this in a positive way ;) : one of our game on Clausewitz engine will attract a larger audience, why the other game will please our more traditional crowd, so we strive to please both and increase awareness at the same time...

More news is coming later, stay tune :cool:

A shame about RUS, it is such a fine game, especially now that most bugs have been ironed out.

I have to agree with Phil, all old fans of the AGE engine should be glad that we get to see at least one more game on this excellent platform. As for NCP II, let's just hope for the best. With low expectations we might end up pleasantly surprised. :)

Besides those screen shots seem to indicate that at least some of the military depth the AGE engine has to offer may have found its way into the Clausewitz engine. If AGEOD succeeds in that direction and adds their talent for historical accuracy (OOB, events, ...). This might actually become a game worth buying.

veji1 wrote:My biggest fear is for the operational richness of the game. Granted we will have diplomatic, maritime, reinforcement management and so on. But I just hope I can fell like I am playing a napoleonic game and not a big stack against big stack EiA or EUIII game.

Without delving into details, have the Phils thought about how to make the corps structure type of campaigning relevent to this game ? will the fan out manoeuver, concentrate for battle feel of a napoleonic campaign be there ? I have a hard time believing it, since with real time in tends to always end up as a stack against stack battle.

My biggest fears as well. The AGE engine was uniquely suited to reflect military strategy and operational doctrines of the time, the Clausewitz engine needs serious improvements to come even remotely close.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:09 pm

In the past I have really enjoyed some AGEOD games, especially WIA and AACW.

In Paradox's EU3 you can do a world conquest, starting from a one province minor (e.g. one of the German city states). Why? Because the AI is completely hopeless.

I really hope that in NCP2 you won't be able to march from Paris to Moscow, in the middle of winter, with your stack of doom, destroying all in your path, but I'm not convinced.

The AGE engine seemed ideal for representing land combat from (perhaps) the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th.

NCP1 fell down because of the lack of a campaign game, and probably also because of the lack of strategic AI capabilities (making and breaking alliances, creating new states etc) which would be needed for a really great Napoleonic campaign game.

But I haven't seen much evidence that any Paradox games have those AI capabilities either.

It looks like we lose the best engine for representing combat in the Napoleonic era, and some of the best maps and unit counters, and we gain a real time engine which no-one wants, with pretty dire AI at both tactical and strategic levels.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:47 pm

My only experience with Clausewitz was EU3, and I HATED it. I found AACW about a week later and I've been an AGEOD fan since. I like military focused games with good oob's alot better than empire builders or whatever EU/Vicky are. I'll play TW if I want that. I'll keep an eye on this, but I don't think I'll be able to handle the real time.

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:06 pm

What a bummer .. AGEOD not allowed to use the excellent engine that we love.
I have zero interest in realtime games. Is there hope that AGE 2 is still a possibility?

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:11 pm

Pocus wrote:There will be an AGE/Athena game engine game released in 2012 too, more later be assured.

Nice! :)

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Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:16 pm

Pocus wrote:There will be an AGE/Athena game engine game released in 2012 too, more later be assured.

I really hope you keep working on this marvel the AGE engine is. Nevertheless, I hope for v4.0 to give it what it really deserves: SPEED!

I would suggest you don't add any new features, but you rewrite it from scratch to take advantage of the newest technologies: multicore processors, multithreading, 64-bit, GPUs, the kitchen sink of today's computing capabilities. The only problem that is stopping for example Pride of Nations of being a masterpiece is the long turn processing. If you manage to rewrite the Athena engine to have the much needed speed it craves for, I don't ask for anything else. :)

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