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Local Strings

Thu May 14, 2009 9:41 pm


I have just setup my 1st Scenario to try and test.

My only question is how do I build the Local Strings Stuff as I have references that I am pretty sure won't work until I get them in.

Examples in setup file:

The modding doc was unclear on this.

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Fri May 15, 2009 4:56 am

paw1776 wrote:Hello,

I have just setup my 1st Scenario to try and test.

My only question is how do I build the Local Strings Stuff as I have references that I am pretty sure won't work until I get them in.

Examples in setup file:

The modding doc was unclear on this.

As far as entering data for a new scenario for WIA, the best way to understand how to do that would be to study how it's done for other "official" scenarios that already exist in the "LocalString_WIA.csv" file or whatever it's close equivalent spelling might be... (I don't have WIA installed right now, so I might not have the spelling exactly right... I'm assuming simularities with AACW). I also assume you have access to the WIA database files, so find the above name LocalStrings file and make a secondary copy with a different name to work with, then go into this "user" copy and check out the scenario info entries.

The LocalStrings are made up of the string identifier in Column A, followed by the various language entries for the strings themselves in Column B thru (G for AACW, could be slightly different for WIA).

Since I'm language challenged, when I add in new strings, I generally fill in ALL the columns (B thru G) with the English text, and then the English text is translated by others that specialize in their own languages and they replace the English text with their own translation in their languages. Note, the minimum you should do is place NULL in the Excell blocks that you don't have the data for. (This applies to ALL the database files except for specifically denoted informational columns, which we can go into some other time). Placing NULL in non-used cells keeps the data alligned properly during the initial read.

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Fri May 15, 2009 6:18 am


Thanks. It kind of looked like it went thru the splitter as it was in .csv format.

So, do I use the .csv splitter on my new user copy to see how it goes?

Thanks for the tip on NULL.

My scenario is pretty small at this point, just trying to get it open so I can see it. Then I at least have a starting point to continue and fix all the text I goofed.


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Fri May 15, 2009 11:07 am

The various LocalStrings files are an exception to the others database files in that they don't go thru the splitter. They are just kept and used in the .csv format.

Nevertheless, for all the database files, when you save them as .csv format, it is absolutely essential that you use the ";" semicolon as a separator character and not the default "," comma.

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