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Tactical Battles & Division Attachment

Sun May 18, 2008 11:38 pm

So far I love the game. Here are two requests:

1) Make Corps attachments permanent. I don't like drag and drop movement because I often merge two corps without meaning to. Easy enough to split out the extra corps commander (though sometimes it takes me a while to figure out where he went), but his units (divisions, trains, etc) don't automatically follow him. It would be nice if they did.

2) I want more from the battle of "Austerlitz", "Borodino", or "Waterloo" than a circle battle and final result. The Total War series allows you to automatically resolve battles or play them tactically. I don't expect you to develop a new engine like Total War has, but it would be nice if you would take your current engine and have the game switch to a small scale map, import the armies at brigade level, and allow us to play the battle. Then export the results back to the strategic game, and continue strategic level play from there. You could even create cavalry and artillery sprites (you already have infantry) to represent brigades on the tactical map, but continue using portraits for Division, Corps, and Army commanders.

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Mon May 19, 2008 4:45 pm


1) You can easily avoid an unwanted merging by using the following keys :

Ctrl + L : Lock/unlock all Forces (prevents a Force dropped onto another Force from merging)
Right-click on a tab : Lock/unlock this Force.

2) The debate is still opened and these wishes are in discussion for a long date but for now on Ageod's team is focusing his work on VGN next game.
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