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dmusic.dll file...

Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:05 pm

First off, I've ALREADY seen the sticky topic about the .dll file...
And I download it and of course put it where you told me to do in the directory of the main NCP executable.
But it won't change anything. Actually the link you give is about a file whose name is not the same as the one who is actually missing...
It's strange as it is named dmusic, I suppose it's about the sound... But the harsh fact remains that I can't play (contrary to what you say) to this game.

Strangely enough, six months ago I downloaded WWI and played it without any problem (except somes crashes which don't seem to be that abnormal.

Two weeks ago, I downloaded the BOA II, and the .dll would block everything. I redownloaded it, and the problem remains.
Then I bought NCP and the problem was the same with Vista... I also bought WWI but didn't try it yet (waiting for the gold patch).

First the DVD didn't run in my driver (but this was a problem indepent to your product), and now I installed it correctly, it still don't run... WHAT A PAIN!!

EDIT: Oh, and I forgot:


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Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:16 pm


It seems your windows installation is missing that file (i think its a directx related file, not one of the dll AGEOD games install on their installation folders)

Googling for dmusic.dll give this link with instructions about how to solve it
It recommend reinstalling the latest directX.
Hope it helps :)

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Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:23 pm

What a fastsness!

I've fiddled with my files and managed to make the game run!
It seems that your link was all good for my issue though, so thank you even though I've not been quick enough to say that it was OK.

Thank you guys. :)

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Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:31 pm

This DLL is indeed not installed by us. Arsan advice sounds to be the path to follow here.

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Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:37 pm

Cool! :thumbsup:

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