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event take 2

Mon Dec 17, 2007 3:58 pm

This is a question for Pocus or PT.

In the event conditions, there is can be made a call to "countunits". I would like to set up an event that tests whether or not Napolean (or some other unique unit for that matter) is in Paris or in a region. Is it possible to do this?

I found some examples in ACW that were:

Countunits = $GA;1;$USA;$Cavalry;>=;1

which I presume to mean check Georgia to see if there is 1 US Cavalry unit in it; and if so, perform the following actions...(which were to mobilize reaction militias).

Is there an "Eval - unit location" condition or is it possible to run a countunits condition check on a region as the first parameter argument and a specific unit in lieu of the generic family cavalry above?

Many thanks. Once again, great game (as is ACW). I look forward to future products out of AGEOD.

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Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:51 pm

Yes, this is feasible. You have received answer in different post I guess :niark:

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