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Danish Fleet & Army

Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:08 pm

I was just wondering if the Danes would be there in Napoleon Campaigns.
That is to say their fleet, who fought Nelson so gallantly at the batlle of Copenhagen in 1801, and their army which participated in the defence of Hamburg during the 1813 campaign alongside Marshal Davout. When the French left, the small danish corps managed to smash its way through an Russo-Prusso-Swedish corps led by Walmoden at the battle of Sehested. The Danes were later overwhelmed numerically and had no other option than surrender some weeks later but they proved that tactically their troops were superior to their opponents. The cavalry was noted by the french officers as particularly well trained.
For all those reasons, and also because although I'm French, part of my family comes from Denmark, I would be very happy to find my Danish ancestors in this game which seems just excellent.

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Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:20 pm

Danes are here (they participated a bit in 1812 and 1813). We have everything to involve them and later do a 1801 scenario with both navy and army (and same for 1807)....except time to research the proper OOB and all info... if you supply all details, it may become true one day...soon :indien:

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Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:55 am

Willemoes wrote:I was just wondering if the Danes would be there in Napoleon Campaigns.
That is to say their fleet, who fought Nelson so gallantly at the battle of Copenhagen in 1801, and their army which participated in the defence of Hamburg during the 1813 campaign alongside Marshal Davout. When the French left, the small danish corps managed to smash its way through an Russo-Prusso-Swedish corps led by Walmoden at the battle of Sehested. The Danes were later overwhelmed numerically and had no other option than surrender some weeks later but they proved that tactically their troops were superior to their opponents. The cavalry was noted by the french officers as particularly well trained.
For all those reasons, and also because although I'm French, part of my family comes from Denmark, I would be very happy to find my Danish ancestors in this game which seems just excellent.

Actually the french didnt leave as much as the Danish army left the french, but then thats another point :sourcil:
Davout naturally had to defend Hamburg where as the danes wanted to preserve their "army" and have it on danish territory, not in Hamburg.
It was far far from all of Walmodens corps the Danish division "smashed" at Sehested. It was much more of a rear guard action, the danes luckily escapes. Any how the division is represented in the 1813 fall campaign.
IMHO fighting Walmoden corps doesnt say much about the danish army quality. It was by far, with the possible exception of Tauntziens corps, the worse troops in the allied army.

/waves from Denmark


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Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:25 pm

Thanks a lot Rasmus for all these precise informations. Actually, finding material in France about the Danes during the Napoleonic Wars is is quite difficult (even if it's less true now that there's internet but then the info is often of dubious reliability). Now concerning Sehested and the quality of the Danish auxiliary corps of 1813, the fact is that 2000 allied soldiers got killed whereas the Danes lost around 500 (according to sources such as Wikipedia...). I have to agree that such figures clearly show that Sehested was hardly a huge battle. But even so, the loss ratio being 4 to 1 in favor of the Danes, it's fair to say they proved to be tactically much superior. Now I also have to agree with you that Walmoden's corps was certainly not an elite one (to go on with euphemisms). Otherwise it would not have been given the very much uncritical task of checking the Danes.
Anyway, including the Danes adds some flavor to the game. After all, the Swedes themselves behaved quite poorly all along the period and are present in most Napoleonic simulations. They were even granted major power status in Crown of Glory, which is more than debatable. Correct me if I'm wrong but the Danish Army of Norway got the upper hand on the Swedes both in the 1788-1790 war and in the 1809 war. So why not have Danish hussars and bosniaks charging Prusso-Russo-Swedish rabble! :niark:

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Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:12 pm

Hi Willemoes,

I assume u dont speak danish and any how the danish accounts of Sehested is rather biased and less than Stellar IMO.
Nafziger uses 12 pages describe the battle and surrounding periode in his Napoleon at Leipzig book. Its not much, but its some.
No the danish army did well fighting the sweds. In norway the local knowledge ofc helped alot. Again as u say its questionble how good the swedish army was at the time. IMO the regular dk "army" was good, but not more than that if u compare to other major power armies. Just one problem its soooo small that it wouldnt stand up in a "real" battle. Yes particular the cavalry was of better quality but again how many regiments do the army have. U dont even need a full hand to count them :siffle:
Prove that goes against the danish army is the "battle" of Køge in 1807 when danish militia meets regular british troops. When i say battle its only in terms of what else do u call it. Dk militia came, they saw, they ran and left their wooden shoes. If u look at casulty odds in that you'd not be a happy danish camper :niark:
Looking at the examples there are. They IMO are just to few to make any real statements about the overall quality of the army.
Fighting sweds is another matter. Thats still a national hobby tho more so on the soccer field today :niark:

Kind regards,


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