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Capt Cliff
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Sun of Austerlitz - Start Date?

Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:00 am

How come the start date for the Sun of Austerlitz scenario of Oct 1 - 7th places the bulk of French Army, including the Emperor, on the other side of the Rhine or near it? Chandler in Campaigns of Napoleon places the Grande Armee on the line of Stuttgart to Ansbach on October 2nd!!! Shouldn't the start date be September 1-7?? Is there a scenario editor so we can fix this?

Please don't tell me this was done for "play-ability", which is just a incompetent programmers excuse for fouling up, or creating and inaccurate historical simulation.

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:50 am

Capt Cliff wrote:Please don't tell me this was done for "play-ability", which is just a incompetent programmers excuse for fouling up, or creating and inaccurate historical simulation.

Wrong....the placement is not accurate indeed, but this is really (playability) a game balance issue.

The guys who made the setup are excellent in Napoleonics and do not make stupid fouls up as you say....they considered that due to the fact the Austrian army of Mack is locked for 1 turn, placing the French where they were make the game unplayable on the Austrian side, as they would have 0% chance to escape a battle...

By tweaking history a bit, this allow the AI (first) and the player, on the Austrian side, a limited but possible chance to avoid slaughter / surrender at Ulm...

Another date could indeed have been made for the start, but that was not their choice...

But that could be made indeed :cool:

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:57 pm

Boy, I don't see the logic. It takes about 14 to 19 days for Le Tondu and the Army to reach where he should be on October 2, or 2 turns or even 3 turns, in game time the end of October. Mack surrender on Oct 19th, but that's when Napoleon reaches Stuttgart.

Oh, if I read your response correctly you have deliberately allowed Mack to escape and not be surrounded and forced to surrender. Is that right? That is nuts! This is a historical simulation and by making this bogus set up you have tainted the historical flavor. Mack is supposed to be crushed, the Austrians screwed up.

Is there a scenario editor planned? I am beginning to be disappointed that I purchased this game.

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:19 pm

We don't have scenario editors, all must be made by what are the changes you would like to see

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Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:07 pm

I've just played it from both sides, with and without randomised generals. It is perfectly balanced - I have lost every time.

It is a game set in a historical context. If it were a simulation Lake Iseo would be east of Bergamo instead of north west. And very pretty it was too when I visited a couple of years ago. Motto: just don't use the AGEOD map for navigation.

You could also turn off the AI for one turn, hop across the river and then turn the AI back on. This has lots of fun effects.

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Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:24 pm

Taillebois wrote:I've just played it from both sides, with and without randomised generals. It is perfectly balanced - I have lost every time.

It is a game set in a historical context. If it were a simulation Lake Iseo would be east of Bergamo instead of north west. And very pretty it was too when I visited a couple of years ago. Motto: just don't use the AGEOD map for navigation.

You could also turn off the AI for one turn, hop across the river and then turn the AI back on. This has lots of fun effects.

So you lost as the French and the "Allies"? I don't think that is much of a test. The point is the set up is not historical and this is a "so called" historical simulation. Something is rotten in Denmark. :wacko:

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Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:14 pm

Or, ... something is rotten at AGEOD. t

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Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:21 pm


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Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:44 pm


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Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:45 am

Gray_Lensman wrote:PhilThib (one of the AGEOD developers) personally gave you an opportunity to voice your suggestion for changes. If you want to get help from us, you might try a different tack.

I did! I said the start date was wrong, per Jomini, Dodge and Chandler. An if you alter scenarios historical details so your program fits the desired end result ... then there is something "a foot".

I bought the game with the assumption that the game would have scenario's that were close to history and it was up to me to attain the historical result. For at least this scenario that IS NOT the case.

An I don't appreciate your condescending attitude, I am a customer, and miss reading of my posts or reading more into them is also not appreciated. The quote is from Shakespear that something is not as it should be.

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Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:27 am


Please stop this or I close this thread :(

Capt_Cliff, give me the date you want for a change of start date in this scenario and I'll make one for you. Alternatively, I can keep the date same but change location of some troops if you prefer...let me know. :)

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Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:24 pm

Very noble Phil, but it means you've given in to bullying.

However if we can all have a copy of Sun of Austerlitz (alternative A) then so be it.

I am personally willing to refund Captain Cliff the cost of his game to save you the aggravation and humiliation of doing this.

And can people who quote Shakespeare please try and be more accurate in your quote; and at least spell his name correctly. Lack of attention to detail by those who seem to be complaining about lack of attention to detail.

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Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:10 pm

Yes, I know I am too kind.... :mdr:

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Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:26 pm


Greetings! ;) :thumbsup:
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Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:27 pm

PhilThib wrote:Yes, I know I am too kind.... :mdr:


Greetings! ;) :thumbsup:
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