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Keep stack drops from accidentally merging!

Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:08 am

What I would like to see added to the game is either a message dialog asking if I really want to merge the Stack that I just dropped in a region with a stack that is already there or to have the Stack lock toggle be locked by default or at least the option to have it locked as a default in the option menu settings.
I have yet to get through the second day of the tutorial because of stacks accidentally getting merged when I drop them while following the tutorial. I would do what the tutorial says to do only to have my unit stacks accidentally merge when they aren't supposed to and no way to undo the merge. Neither the manual nor the tutorial even mention having the ability to lock units or stacks of units to prevent them from merging where they talk about moving or manipulating units stacks.
Something else that would be nice to be able to do, is to undo a merge if a stack merge doesn't work the way it is supposed to.
This wouldn't even be a problem if merging units or stacks were a part of the special orders in the special order groups. In almost all of the strategy games that I play I would first have to initiate the merge by pressing a button or do something to indicate that I am wanting to merge the unit or stacks of units I wish to merge, then I choose the unit or stack of units I want to merge, then the unit or stack of units I wish to have it merge with. By doing this the accidental merging of units or sacks of units is completely avoided. :thumbsup:

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Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:51 am


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