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Who is "E. Food?"

Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:39 pm

There are several Union generals (and probably some Confederates, I dunno, I haven't played the CSA) who are misnamed, and their bio files point to a different person entirely. One example of many is unit "E. Food," who is actually apparently Teopolis Garrard. It's a small thing, but we strive for perfection always. Also, Union General Schofield's bio points to "Schoffield" as a one-star general, which is a simple fix. In his two-star incarnation, he points to his correct bio.

On a related note, why are some generals missing any portrait whatsoever? This also applies to the USA and CSA. They have big white spaces for portraits, even though there are abundant pictures on the 'Net to be used, or failing that, they could have had the "generic" portrait so many lesser-known divisional commanders have. Examples for the Union are Sam Crawford, Romyn Ayres, and JC Robinson, all of whom have multiple b/w portraits that can be found with a simple Google.

On a third note, despite the claim that "all bios are done," there are numerous generals who do not have even the slightest biographical data, even though they have articles on, say, wikipedia. An example would be Hiram Berry for the USA.

Again, these are small things, but if perfection is sought, they need to be fixed.

-- Mal
"Of two choices, I always take the third."

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Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:03 pm


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Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:06 pm

If I remember correctly, certain generals like Hiram Berry were only added to the game to serve as "generic" leaders in order to make sure players had enough generals at sufficient ranks to properly fill out their armies (many of these generals start at 2-star rank which within the game symbolizes corps command status, historically generals like Berry, Milroy, Hamilton and Whipple never actually held such commands). To that end, I think the absence of biographical information represents the fact that the Hiram Berry who exists in the game doesn't actually represent the historical Hiram Berry, that figure just represents a random generic Union corps commander who would have been active in the time period that he appears. I think more "real" generals have since been added to the game's database that somewhat makes the "generic" leaders redundant, but the generics are nevertheless still in the game database.

Photos of Crawford, Ayres and Robinson (and a couple others) are all available here, I believe the zip file should include instructions for where to place all the files, if not, that thread has a pretty thorough breakdown of what you need to do.

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Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:49 pm

Silly me, that photo pack was labelled "1.14," so naturally I thought it had been incorporated into 1.15.

Seems kind of hard on people like poor Hiram that they should be denied their biographies because an arbitrary choice was made to place them in ranks they never held, lol. Anyway, some non-generic generals, e.g. Robert Minty for the USA, also have no bios. And some "generic" ones, e.g. William Nelson, DO have bios. It's no biggie, and given the tedious way the text strings are handled, perfectly understandable that there are gaps.

-- Mal
"Of two choices, I always take the third."

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