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Question on French in Mexico event

Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:20 am

I was watching the foreign intervention index carefully this turn in my latest PBEM game. I had just captured Richmond, and was able to get ahead in VP and NM for the first time against my opponent. I thought I recalled a mechanism where each turn, there was one FI point awarded to the side with the most VP, and one to the most NM. (Is this correct)?

So I was expecting to see the index move from 44 to 42. Then the French Intervention in Mexico event occurred, and the tooltip told me that would be -10 intervention. So I expected to see a total of 32. No other events or political options were executed that turn.

When I checked under objectives, FI had moved up to 54. My calculations are way off!

Am I misinterpreting the minus sign? Does -10 mean in CSA's benefit?

Am I wrong about the down-tick in FI for being ahead on VP and NM?

Thanks Much, -D

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Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:29 am

The side that has the highest VP total has a 50% chance of getting the FI moving one point in his favour.
The side that has the highest NM has a 50% chance of getting the FI moving one point in his favour
per turn
For the French Intervention part I brought that up around 21st July is year on a thread called: Calculator Error in FI (1.14). Sorry I don't know how to do the link thing. I don't know if it has been fixed yet. Maybe your question means no.

So if the calculator error is still in effect and you missed both your 50% die rolls then yes the FI would be 54. It should start declining if you can maintain your leads.

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Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:37 pm

Thanks, Big. Just what I needed to know.

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