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Obama To break from the old one back to spend the weekend Xiequan Jia

Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:51 pm

AIR MAX SHOP BEIJING, May 25 Xinhua 25, according to foreign reports, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the Wall Street "financial reform," the war on terror in Afghanistan and a series of questions for Obama overwhelmed, feeling pressure. Recently, the United States, "great butler" finally decided to sneak in with the whole family back to old one, and spend the weekend in Chicago. Recently a number of U.S. President did not live in a busy city, but Obama has broken the traditional one: they are worth 1.6 million U.S. dollars of the house is located in a busy street in Chicago (now the street has been closed to traffic ), from their neighbors a few feet away. Next week, Obama will return to the White House, the first day of participation in Elwood's Abraham Lincoln ? memorial ceremony held at the State Museum.NIKE AIR MAX AIR MAX NIKE AIR MAX SHOESAir max shoes

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